Wednesday, November 19, 2008

11.19.08 - Tops - Amy K

Amy K bartends at MARS BAR and K & M. She gave me this list last night. It's her Tuesday 10 Most Awesome Moments. Amy K is pretty much the best and she votes drunk!

1. Marlboro Man quote;
"If you want to be a true alcoholic drink black coffee with vodka"

2. "Some drug dealer" quote;
"I'm not a thief. I don't steal from people, just stores and stuff"

3. Co-worker quote;
"I just got my night cut, so I guess you can give me your Friday or Saturday"

4. Chocolate Croissant

5. Finding Sons of Anarchy S01 E02 online

6. 5pm nap

7. Black coffee with vodka and unfiltered Camel cig - 2 hours

8. Hot boys at work

9. Free beer at work

10. Most awesome moments

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where's my top 5??